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This mod is a simple increasing of the resolution of the base Robert Male and Female face textures and is combined with the aging maps and textures from Natural Faces and the HGEC High Rez Skin Textures Specifically 1 The base Robert face textures and normal maps were upscaled to 1024x1024 2Hi, so I followed the step by step guide earlier to install the High Res Skin Tone Textures for HGEC, upon completing installation of this, I have noticed a difference between the skin and face color of the player character, (in the case of some races it is completely different)High Rez Skin Textures for HGEC Started by Site Bot , Sep 27 08 1051 AM « Prev; Terrible Problem With Skins Oblivion Technical Support The Nexus Forums Ozmo's high rez skin textures for hgec

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